Raz Talhar    

Based mostly in Malaysia and occasionally the UK.

Self taught photographer.

Special interest focused on the interactions between the manmade
and natural worlds and vice versa.

enquiries etc :

Check my instagram for more recent work :
2022 February | EXPOSURE+ / exhibition

3 of my photos from my abandoned built heritage project, was part of the EXPOSURE+ exhibition shown in Kuala Lumpur at the Kloe Hotel.
(26 February - March 13)

2021 April | animaloci.org

Photo eassay of my land reclamation work featured in :
Anima Loci - 'A journal of images in places'

2020 August | Panorama.pm

My Reclamation's work is now showcased on Panorama's website.

"Digital platform to address landscape issues through artistic projects."

2020 May | Zone Magazine : Z-One

Photographs from my 'Reclamaton's' series is included in Zone Magazine's first ever print issue.


July | Digital SLR Photography / magazine (Malaysian edition)

My reclamations project showcased in their regular feature, 'Project 123'; showcasing local photographers and their personal photographic projects.

ISSN 2180-3803

2018 October | Group show : In search of something

Select work from my 'Reclamations' series will be shown in this group exhibition, curated by Roger Hopgood.

In search of something
Photography exploring place and landscape

20 - 30 October at St Mary in the Castle, Hastings, England

2017 February | newlandscapephotography.com

My 'Reclamations' work featured on Willson Cummer's, 'New Landscape Photography', website.

2012 June | 2x Abandoned mall photographs used in new book:

'Tales From The Mall'
Ewan Morrison
ISBN: 9781908885012
Cargo Publishing, Glasgow
2011 March | UTM Seminar @ Thistle hotel, Johor Bahru

Select work on display during the UTM (University Teknologi Malaysia) organised seminar, "Abandoned to abundance: Aware and care reviving abandoned commercial premises".

2010 January | Space magazine 4 page feature:

'Forgotten Storeys'
Space Magazine
Issue #3
Copyright © Raz Talhar